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I selected the ten books on this Ferris wheel among Africa bestsellers at Amazon.com. For Amazon's latest Africa list, updated hourly, click here

This set includes a few classic books I highly recommend, as well as a few on my "to read sometime" list. And, just for variety, a CD of songs by Oliver Mtukudzi.

Page last updated Aug 17, 2009
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Cape Verde|Ghana|Guinea-Bissau|Guinea (Conakry)|Liberia|Nigerian Novels|Nigeria and Oil|Sierra Leone
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For a selection of books on Guinea (Conakry), I first chose two books by historian Elizabeth Schmidt reflecting new research and a "bottom-up" perspective on the history of nationalism in that country. Then I asked her to suggest some additional books. The result, with a classic audio CD thrown in for good measure ("Authenticit�"), is shown above.