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AfricaFocus Bulletin
Country-focused Bulletins
Aug 18, 2009 Cape Verde: Transnational Archipelago
As regular readers of AfricaFocus Bulletin know, this publication
relies on selected "reposted" material. When U.S. Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton chose Cape Verde as her last stop on her
7-country African tour, I was hoping to find some analysis on-line
of the unique history and position of Cape Verde that I could share
with readers. Surely someone would be commenting on-line on the
long history of Cape Verdean immigration to the United States, or
on the significance of Cape Verdean liberation leader Amilcar
Cabral for Pan-African thought on both sides of the Atlantic. But
apart from brief pro-forma tributes to the country's multi-party
democracy and economic stability, I could find almost nothing in
recent on-line reports to pass on to AfricaFocus readers. So I had to dig
a bit deeper.
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