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Note: This document is from the archive of the Africa Policy E-Journal, published
by the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC) from 1995 to 2001 and by Africa Action
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Tanzania: Opposing User Fees
Tanzania: Opposing User Fees
Date distributed (ymd): 001129
Document reposted by APIC
+++++++++++++++++++++Document Profile+++++++++++++++++++++
Region: Southern Africa
Issue Areas: +economy/development+ +gender/women+
Summary Contents:
This posting contains an analysis and position statement from the
Tanzania Gender Networking Project, reflecting the critique by
civil society organizations of the latest version of the IMF/World
Bank structural adjustment program for Tanzania. A posting also
being sent out today contains a call for immediate messages to
World Bank directors in opposition to the user fees imposed in this
program, as well as a letter from APIC director Salih Booker
calling for support for cancellation of Zambia's debt.
+++++++++++++++++end profile++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Comments from the Tanzania Gender Networking Project
Regarding the IMF and World Bank endorsement of the Government of
Tanzania's "Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper"
Made available by Globalization Challenge Initiative
(, A Project of the Tides
Center, USA and the Integrated Social Development Programme,
(ISODEC), Ghana [for the full 30-plus page text of the "Structural
Adjustment Program (SAP) Information Alert for Tanzania" contact:
[email protected]]
Since the government, forced by the policies of the IMF and the
World Bank, has embarked on policies of withdrawal of state
support, women, children, and the rural poor have been most heavily
indicated, and there is data that demonstrates this. The following
are some specific comments on user fees in the areas of health and
In general, the position of gender groups and many CSOs is that
unconditional withdrawal of user fees in the areas of health,
education, and water is necessary. It is in these sectors that
vulnerable groups, particularly women, poor men, youth, and the
rural population in general, have been impacted greatly; these
sectors also are the arenas in which the government could have most
positively helped these groups. Low performance in these sectors is
one of the primary indicators of poverty; health and education are
central to the development of the country and key to increasing
productivity and economic growth. It is the responsibility of the
government to ensure that these sectors are sufficiently resourced,
without conditions.
User Fees in the Education Sector
In terms of the decision to abolish user fees at the primary school
level, while we understand that the government is constrained, we
contest that removing user fees at only one level is not sufficient
and not sustainable. Even if this decision opens up the opportunity
for primary school education to more students, which is not clear
in and of itself, this creates an even wider gap between the number
of students attending primary school and those attending secondary
school. This gap has implications for increasing inequalities in
terms of both gender and class. In addition, there is no indication
that other constraining aspects related to education for poor
families will be removed and no assurance that the levels of
support currently provided to teachers will be maintained or
increased. On the whole, the actual amount of money returning to
the sector (Tsh. 10-12 billion) is a very small amount of money
and does not offer enough hope of addressing the major issues
within the education sector.
Attendance in primary schools in Tanzania remains at low levels. In
1995, the gross enrolment of school age children stood at 77%. This
implies that 23% of school age children had not enrolled in
schools. Since the net enrolment was 55%, then 45% of school age
children were not attending school (URT: 1997, Basic Statistics in
Education, p. 8). These figures only address one issue involved in
primary school education, and do not touch other areas of quality,
participation, retention, achievements, and other factors. There
should be more analysis on the expected implications of this policy
that addresses these other factors.
In general, in order to encourage equality of opportunity in
education, user fees must be eliminated at the secondary school and
other levels. These fees contribute to the continued
marginalisation of groups and a disadvantaged status between boys
and girls, urban and rural, rich and poor. A study by TGNP shows
that, out of the 39% of secondary school students attending
government schools, a mere 8% come from the poorest households in
the Tanzania communities and 34% are from the relatively well-off
20% in the communities (TGNP, 1998). Research by Katunzi and Sumra
(1991) and TADREG (1996) showed that the cost-sharing policy has
hit hardest boys and girls from low-income families, and therefore,
reinforced low participation of both girls and boys. Therefore,
user fees for secondary school have a great deal of implications
when discussing reducing poverty within the country. The
implication of these costs is that only an elite group receives the
necessary education to be the prime decision-makers within the
According to the Tanzania Gender Networking Programme's research on
the Gender Budget Initiative, for the Ministry of Education and
Culture alone, about 57% of its budget was devoted to salaries and
personal emoluments for the Ministries in 1997. Salaries for
employees of institutions accounted for 9% and 34% of the recurrent
budget was for other charges. The overarching feature is the
increase in the budget share for personnel emoluments, which has
risen dramatically from 1994 to 1997. On the contrary the budgetary
allocation for instructional materials, which is the key
determinant of quality has fallen from 7% to 3% over the same
period. In Tanzania, a mere 15% of the overall recurrent budget is
reserved for financing the education sector, as compared to 35% in
Kenya and 22% in Uganda.
Cost sharing, with its implications of the allocation of fewer
resources at different levels, has implications for quality, gender
equality, corruption, and even more, the fact that you are
depriving the majority of the people of their basic rights. The
government has the ability, if it would efficiently reallocate its
internal resources within government and sectors, it can do this
In order to address serious concerns about inadequacy of access of
poor Tanzanians to primary and secondary education, we recommend
that the government PRSP process, to be approved by the WB soon,
consider the following, among others:
- Cost sharing interventions should be eliminated at the primary
and secondary levels within the PRSP.
- Include a broader examination of user fees, looking at not
only the actual fee but also all the other associated factors that
constrain many people. This includes recognition of the fact that
costs for a secondary education include books, desk, uniform,
transport, housing, and others.
- Reshuffle its current resources, in order to better finance
education. There are areas that it could do so; for example the
Personnel and Annulments that go to key people within government
and Parliament; if they would reduce these, it could return to the
people themselves. For instance, one-tenth of the money spent on
houses, furniture and transport of top officials should be given to
a girls scholarship fund.
- Instituting mechanisms for private sector to contribute to
- If there is any need remaining, creating creative and
flexible mechanisms for parents and students to contribute to the
educational system, such as through loans.
User Fees in the Health Sector
Although the government's overall objective of providing health
status for all Tanzanians remains the same, there is an increased
move towards privatisation and the public health sector is
increasingly deprived of vital funds. In this process marginalized
groups are increasingly impacted. The government needs to get rid
of the user fees in the health sector, as the health of Tanzanians
is crucial to development of the country. The Public Health System
is the right of all Tanzanians, who contribute to government
revenue. If the government can shirk some of its responsibilities,
it cannot do so for health. The private sector has an important
role to play but the Public Health System should be the backbone of
health services the country. Otherwise the lives of the citizens
would be at risk, as so many examples have begun to emerge showing
First, we do not believe that the user fee policy in Tanzania is
functioning. There is evidence from several studies and newspaper
articles to the contrary, indicating that pregnant women and rural
poor are unable to access crucial medical services, although these
groups are supposedly exempted. These, especially the women, are
the same groups that are doubly taxed, in that they are
contributing to the future workforce of the country and then are
required to pay for doing so. Women give involuntary subsidies to
the health sector in various ways, including working as TBAs and
caring for the infirm at home, and they should get some benefit.
The government has yet to make this connection between the health
of the people and the unpaid labour of some groups such as women.
Apart from contributing to foreign exchange revenues through
production and paying their taxes, they feed most of the patients
in hospitals. On top of all that and cost sharing, they have to
bring all important items during delivery when it is hypocritically
claimed that mothers and children under five receive free
For antenatal care and childhood immunisations, the exemption seems
to still be functioning. However, for AIDS, mental illness and
other diseases, fees are still imposed in one way or another. The
problem is that determination is done at the time of service.
Medicines and supplies are often not available at government
hospitals, even if supposedly free, meaning that individuals have
to buy from private dispensaries. From research conducted in Kondoa
district, if a maternity patient fails to pay the said amount, the
normal procedure is that the patient will be given delivery
services but will not be discharged until costs are met (TGNP, GBI
research, 1997).
As it stands now, women pay for essential services that include
cervical and breast cancer screening and treatment. These
preventative measures are among the most cost-effective services.
The government would be reaching most women in Tanzania if these
services were funded. Donors could be asked to fund the initial
equipment and supplies, but the government should be able to
maintain the network through correct management and replacements.
It is difficult to understand that a government which has funds to
send leaders abroad for casual medical check-ups fails to get the
Tsh. 600 million donor money allocated for x-rays because it could
not pay its contribution of Tshs. 25 million (MoH appropriation
account for the year ending 30 June 1996, p. 13).
In terms of the Health Sector Reforms, which provide more
responsibilities for health sector at the local level, the vision
is sound but problematic is whether the reforms would adequately
confront the entrenched weaknesses in the health sector without
marginalising large sectors of Tanzania's population from health
services. Although in some few districts the CHF is working, there
are many areas where it is not working, as mechanisms for ensuring
its implementation have not been established.
The PRSP document needs to provide coherent strategies and evidence
on how the current policy is going to be affected in the real
sense. It should also establish mechanisms for monitoring that this
policy is currently being implemented.
We are aware that the health reform programme has brought in a
number of cost effective health interventions to be developed. The
government Budget if used effectively and according to proper
priorities can meet most of the costs and donors can make important
contributions since most of these are preventive or curative at
dispensary and Health Centre levels. Interventions affecting
infants and children such as immunisations receive much donor
assistance. The government, through the MoH, needs to install
management mechanisms to ensure that equipment obtained is not
lost, as well as providing annual maintenance funds and
replacements when necessary.
In a country like Tanzania where communication is difficult,
household surveys are expensive and cannot be done every day. Yet
those few which were done show important trends. The most recently
available is the Tanzania Human Resources Development Survey (HRDS)
1992/94 used by the Social Sector Review of the World Bank (1996).
This survey showed that people were alienated by poor services
especially shortage of drugs caused partly by mismanagement and
scarcity of funds. Health workers attempted to supplement their
wages through drug sales. The current cost sharing plan is based on
the assumption that with improved finances, the supply of drugs
service will improve and the public system will win back patients.
However, without management reform patients will still get poor
Overall Comments
From the above discussions, we are proposing the following
- The proposals by the government on user fees on education and
health sectors should be further analysed with more input from the
civil society, meaning the public. Relevant revelations have shown
that there are at times some mis-communication between the
government and the voices of the people. Many issues on the
constraining environment in the sectors of education and health
were raised by voters and candidates most recently during the
course of the General Elections in October 2000. How come the PRSP
processes continue without taking into consideration these issues
being expressed by the public?
- The PRSP process as it is currently drawn, does not allow for
collection and use of available data and case studies from the
public, meaning that the proposals are not coming from concrete
experiences that are happening every day. It is of critical
importance that the PRSP processes open up and listen to the voices
of the marginalised groups, such as women, youth and poor groups
who will address the impacts of many of these policies,
particularly the user fee.
- What we need is the abolition of user fees for health, education
and water sectors, and the World Bank should stop making conditions
on the same.
- Also we are demanding that the World Bank, when it looks at
issues of cost sharing, it should look at the issue much more
broadly and holistically. Experience shows that their strategies to
overcome the constraints created by the effects of withdrawal of
support to the social sectors come in piecemeal, e.g. special funds
for education and for health.
- We are also demanding from our own government to devise more
innovative strategies to obtain revenue, such as taxing and
encouraging donations from the rich and the companies in the
country, so that it helps to increase the money that government has
to spend. The revenue base of the government is looking primarily
at traditional sources of revenue.
- We also want to demand a more transparent monitoring and
documentation of the implication of the costs of user fees and
costs by government, donors, and the World Bank. Women and men of
Tanzania have the right to know how their own government is serving
their health and educational needs. In this way, we want our
government to report in a transparent way how many women and men,
girls and boys are able to access and benefit from the provided
services. We want them to report the different types of services
received by women and men, girls and boys. This is because good
services are a right and not a privilege.
- A greater part of the money saved when overseas countries say
Tanzania can pay less interest on its loans or can pay interest
later should be dedicated to education and health, while ensuring
that spending from other sources remains the same or is increased.
A few Additional Comments on the PRSP from a Tanzanian perspective
Throughout the PRSP processes, civil society organisations were
demanding for more active involvement and participation in the
process of both NGOs and communities. However, on the whole CSOs
were involved in a superficial and half-handed manner. The
government developed the document internally, while civil society
organisations were involved in a separate process, convened by the
Tanzania Coalition for Debt and Development (TCDD). At a later
stage, the civil society working groups managed to participate in
the sharing sessions in the documents already prepared by the
government (the zonal workshops). Rather than having a
joint-sharing process about the best way to merge the civil society
and government inputs, the inputs prepared by the civil society
organisations were simply sent to the government-led processes for
integration. The consultation that was done was all in a rushed
manner, not allowing for true dialogue, discussion, and debate.
The latest stage, the National Workshop carried after the zonal
workshops of the government process, involved NGOs to some extent,
in that some NGOs were invited to comment at that workshop on all
the topics in the strategy paper. Some of their inputs were very
critical but ended there. They were not again called for their
participation in the final drafting of the paper, although they had
argued that the final process should include representatives of
civil society organisations. In this way, civil society
organisations were involved only at late stages of the process and
did not truly participate in the process of preparing the poverty
strategy paper for the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Civil Society Report on PRSP described a more holistic approach
to poverty eradication in Tanzania and sought to provide a detailed
direction to address issues of globalisation and liberalisation as
well as debt relief. Among many other specific recommendations, the
paper called for:
- Mechanisms to be adopted to ensure full participation of all
sectors of society in policy-formulation, implementation and
monitoring of the debt relief strategy, with a pro-poor gender
perspective approach.
- On the public and NGOs, in particular, need to be informed on the
on-going dialogue between the government and the WB/ IMF. Major
recommendations for the civil society, such as how to make the
processes around debt relief funds more transparent, need to be
taken into more serious consideration.
- Monitoring and reporting tools and structures need to be
developed which are transparent and participatory, so to ensure
that the funds released as a result of debt relief are allocated
and used as planned, to fit the vision and objectives of the PRSP
On the whole, the final PRSP document does not demonstrate any
gender perspectives and civil society inputs in a meaningful way.
Many of the civil society actors feel cheated by both the
government and the donors, especially the World Bank, who have been
emphasising the importance of the civil society participation in
the PRSP preparations and approval processes.
This material is being reposted for wider distribution by the
Africa Policy Information Center (APIC). APIC provides
accessible information and analysis in order to promote U.S.
and international policies toward Africa that advance economic,
political and social justice and the full spectrum of human rights.