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Note: This document is from the archive of the Africa Policy E-Journal, published by the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC) from 1995 to 2001 and by Africa Action from 2001 to 2003. APIC was merged into Africa Action in 2001. Please note that many outdated links in this archived document may not work.

Africa: Racism Conference

Africa: Racism Conference
Date distributed (ymd): 001008
Document reposted by APIC

+++++++++++++++++++++Document Profile+++++++++++++++++++++

Region: Continent-Wide
Issue Areas: +political/rights+
Summary Contents:
This posting contains excerpts from a briefing note from the NGO Liaison for the World Conference Against Racism scheduled for South Africa in September 2001. The NGO Liaison is based at the Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.

The full version of this briefing note contains additional details on procedures for participation, and, for some meetings, applications for funding to participate. It is available in the archived version of this posting at:>

or by writing to [email protected].

To be added to a list to receive future briefings from the NGO Liaison, send a message to [email protected] with the subject line: Subscribe OHCHR-NGO

Other sites with background information on the conference and related issues include:

UNHCHR Official Conference Site

UN Press Kit on the Conference

Report from Bellagio Consultation convened by International Human Rights Law Group (in English and French) and

AntiRacism Net (Project Change, Institute for Global Communications)

Human Rights Internet (includes documents posted by NGOs)

Internet Centre / Anti-Racism Europe

Women's Caucus Website for World Conference against Racism

Human Rights Watch Race and Human Rights

+++++++++++++++++end profile++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

NGO Liaison, World Conference Against Racism

26 September, 2000


These briefing notes are prepared to assist NGO representatives who wish to participate in the World Conference process. Feel free to circulate as widely as possible.

This note updates the previous three notes. Please pay particular attention to new meeting dates and deadlines. For further information or for clarifications, feel free to contact the NGO Liaison WCAR using the following coordinates:

Laurie S. Wiseberg, Room 4-025 OHCHR, Palais Wilson, Geneva Mailing address: OHCHR, Palais des Nations, CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Tel. (41-22) 917-9393 Fax. (41-22) 917-9050 [email protected]

I. Dates and Venue for the World Conference and NGO Forum.

The WCAR will take place in South Africa from 31 August to 7 September 2001. The dates for the NGO Forum have now been set. The Forum will take place from 28 August-1 September 2001. There is still no decision on the venue (i.e., the city).

II. Organizing Committee for the NGO Forum

The Organizing Committee for the NGO Forum is being led by the South African National NGO Coalition, SANGOCO. The Committee is currently setting up offices and hiring core staff. For the present, contact Mr. Moshe More at the following e-mail for further information: [email protected].

III. Secretariat for the World Conference

The High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson is Secretary-General of the World Conference. A team at the Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR) is doing the preparatory work for the Conference. It has recently been augmented by the appointment of an Executive Coordinator, Mr. Jyoti Shankar Singh.

IV. How to find documentation for the Conference and the Preparatory Process

Relevant reports and documents for the World Conference are available on the website of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. <> Click on World Conference Against Racism at the top of the Home Page. A great deal of additional information for NGOs has been posted on an NGO Website for the World Conference: <> This has links to many other sites dealing with racism. NGOs wishing to post their documentation on this site should send an electronic version to the NGO Liaison, WCAR.

V. Slogan and Themes of the Conference

The First Session of the PrepCom adopted the following World Conference Slogan: "United to combat racism: Equality, Justice, Dignity"

It also adopted the following 5 broad themes of the Provisional Agenda.

(1) Sources, causes, forms and contemporary manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;

(2) Victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;

(3) Measures of prevention, education and protection aimed at the eradication of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, at the national, regional and international levels;

(4) Provision of effective remedies, recourse, redress, [compensatory] and other measures at the national, regional and international levels;

(5) Strategies to achieve full and effective equality, including international cooperation and enhancement of the United Nations and other international mechanisms in combatting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and follow-up.

Note that the word "compensatory" in theme 4 is in square brackets because there was no general agreement for including this term.

VI. Decisions of the First Session of the PrepCom regarding the structure of the conference

The First Session of the PrepCom elected Ambassador (Mme) Absa Claude Diallo of Senegal as its Chairperson. Ambassador Diallo chaired the sessional working group of the 55th Session of the Commission on Human Rights (1999) on the preparation of the World Conference.

Other members of the Bureau are the following: Tunisia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Malaysia, FYR of Macedonia, Georgia, Brazil, Mexico (Rapporteur), France, USA and South Africa as ex-officio.

In the Rules of Procedures adopted at the First Session of the PrepCom, it was decided that the Conference would establish one Main Committee and one Drafting Committee, and these Committees may set up their own subcommittees or working groups. NGOs will be permitted to participate in the work of both of these Committees (and any subcommittees or working groups they establish) on questions within the scope of their activities.

This means that NGOs will be able to make oral statements as well as to submit written statements to the Conference.

If written statements of NGOs are to be circulated at the Inter-sessional Working Group meeting or during the Second Session of the PrepCom, they must be submitted 10 weeks prior to the respective meeting. It helps if the statements are submitted electronically, and especially if text can be provided in English, French and Spanish. Length is restricted to 1,500 words, except that NGOs which have "general" consultative status may submitted up to 2,000 words.

VII. Preparatory Process

The report of the first session of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom), which took place in Geneva from 1-5 May 2000, is available as A/CONF.189/PC.1/21 (in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Chinese) on the website of the High Commissioner. The second session of the PrepCom will take place in Geneva from 21 May - 1 June 2001.

In addition, there will be an Open-Ended Inter-Sessional Working Group Meeting in Geneva, 15-19 January 2001. The Inter-Sessional Working Group will have before it a document prepared by the Secretariat of the World Conference (i.e., a draft Declaration and Programme of Action).

There will also be an Informal Meeting, to plan for the Inter-Sessional Working Group and to begin discussion on the sub-themes of the five major conference themes. (Originally scheduled for October 19-20, it is now likely that the meeting will be moved to the week of November 13.)

NGOs with Consultative Status with ECOSOC or which are accredited to the World Conference, can attend these meetings as observers.

VIII. Regional Preparatory Meetings

There have been changes in the dates for some of the Regional Preparatory meetings since the last Briefing Note was prepared. The Regional Preparatory meetings and the associated NGO meetings will now take place as follows.

Regional Preparatory Meeting for Europe (in Strasbourg, France), organized by the Council of Europe, 11-13 October 2000. On 10-11 October, there will be a European NGO Forum. For further information about these meetings, see the website of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI): <>. Note that the rules of NGO participation at the European meetings have been determined by the Council of Europe, in consultation with NGOs, and they are not the same as those which will govern the other regional meetings. The rules, and why they were adopted, are explained on the ECRI website. The deadline for registering to participate in the NGO Forum was September 8.

Regional Preparatory Meeting for Africa (in Dakar, Senegal). This meeting was initially scheduled for 2-4 November 2000. It is likely that the meeting now take place 22-24 January 2001. However, no decision has as yet been taken and these dates are still tentative. An African NGO Forum will be held one or two day prior to the meeting. For details about that NGO Forum, contact Mr. Alioune Tine at Rencontre africaine pour la defense des droits de l'homme (RADDHO) <[email protected]>.

Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Americas (in Santiago, Chile), 5-7 December 2000. An NGO Forum will be held 3-4 December, just prior to this meeting. For details, contact Ms. Ines
Reichel, at the Instituto Inter-Americano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH) at <[email protected]> .

Regional Preparatory Meeting for Asia (in Teheran, Iran). This meeting will now take place 19-21 February 2001. An NGO Forum will be held 17-18 February. For details, contact Ms. Nimalka Fernando at the International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) <[email protected]>.

IX. NGO Participation in the Preparatory Process

NGOs wishing to participate in the preparatory meetings (whether in Geneva or in the regions) must either have Consultative Status with ECOSOC or be accredited to the World Conference. The procedure for getting accreditation to the WCAR is noted below. In response to frequently asked questions, please take note of the following:

(a) NGOs which have Consultative Status with ECOSOC, or which have been accredited to the WCAR, may participate in the Regional Preparatory meetings. For each meeting at which the organization will be represented, the NGO must send a separate letter on letterhead, signed by the person authorized to do so, stating which persons will be attending. This letter should be addressed to Catherine Bremont, OHCHR 1-051, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. It can be sent by fax to: (41-22) 917-9011. E-mail communications are not acceptable for this purpose.

(b) Any NGO which has been accredited to attend a Regional Meeting (i.e., a governmental, not an NGO meeting) is considered accredited to the entire process and may attend the World Conference or any other associated meeting.

(c) NGOs which wish to attend the Inter-Sessional Meeting, the Second Session of the Preparatory Meeting, or the World Conference itself (if the NGO has Consultative Status or is accredited to the WCAR) needs to send a letter (a separate one for each meeting), on letterhead, signed by the person authorized to do
so, listing the names of the representatives who will be attending
and asking that credentials be prepared for them. See (a) above for
details on where to send this letter.

There are some funds available to assist NGO participation at these Regional Preparatory meetings and there will be some funds available to assist NGOs to go to South Africa. See XIII below for information on how to apply for financial assistance.

X. Regional Expert Seminars

A number of expert regional seminars have been organized in the context of the World Conference to spur consideration of important issues, culminate in effective suggestions to the second
Preparatory Committee and the World Conference itself, commence a distillation of the issues and suggest practical strategies, and create a groundswell of governmental, institutional and public
support for the World Conference and its objectives. The following seminars have already taken place:

Expert Seminar for Western Europe, Geneva, 6-8 December 1999 on: "Racism, Refugees & Multiethnic States." Expert Seminar for Western Europe, Geneva, 16-18 February 2000 on: "Remedies Available to Victims of Acts of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and Good National Practices in this Field." Expert Seminar for Eastern Europe, 5-7 July 2000, Warsaw on: "Protection of Minorities and Other Vulnerable Groups and Strengthening Human Rights Capacity at the National Level". Expert Seminar for Asia, 5-7 September 2000, Bangkok on: "Migrant Workers and Trafficking of Persons, with Particular Reference to Women and Children."

Two others regional expert seminars are scheduled as follows:

Expert Seminar for Africa, 4-6 October 2000, Addis Ababa on: "Preventing Ethnic and Racial Conflict" (Point Person: Aziz Ndiaye. Email: [email protected]. Tel. 41-22 917-9826.)

Expert Seminar for Latin America, 25-27 October 2000, Santiago, on: "Economic, Social and Legal Measures to Combat Racial Discrimination, with Particular Reference to Vulnerable Groups". (Point Person: Sandra Aragon. Email:[email protected]. Tel. 41-22 917-9129.)

NGOs wishing to participate in these regional expert seminars should note the following:

If your organization has consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) or has been accredited to the WCAR, your NGO will receive an invitation to participate as an "observer". Observers may take part in the Seminar discussions and distribute documents.

If your organization has neither ECOSOC consultative status nor accrediation to the WCAR, your representative(s) may attend the Seminar as a member of the public gallery. Members of the public gallery do not participate in the Seminar discussions nor can they distribute documentation.

In order to ensure access to the Seminar, any NGO wishing to attend, must forward to our office by mail or facsimile (41-22) 917-9050 on official letterhead, the names of its designated representative(s) as soon as possible. Address the letter to the point person noted above. If you have questions concerning these seminars, also direct yourselves to these designated.

Note that there are no funds available to assist NGOs which wish to participate in these regional seminars.

XI. Other Regional NGO Meetings

The Secretariat of the OHCHR is also planning to support four regional NGO meetings intended to feed into the NGO Forum. (Details on how to apply for funding are noted in XIII below.) While the dates and venues have not yet been confirmed, the plans at present are for meetings:

For Eastern and Central Europe, in Warsaw: contact, Mr. Marek Nowicki, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, at <[email protected]>. Dates: 14-18 November 2000.

For Africa, in Botswana: contact Ms. Chantal Kisoon at the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria
<[email protected]. Tentatively set for 21-26 January 2001. These may change, depending on the dates selected for the African regional meeting.

For Asia, in Amman, Jordan: contact Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR), Mr. Nizam Assaf, <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>, probably in March 2001.

For the Americas, in Quito, Ecuador: contact Ms. Irene Leon at Agencia Latinoamerican de Informacion (ALAI) at
<[email protected]> or contact Mr. Mark Hecht at Human Rights Internet (HRI) at <[email protected]>. Probably in January 2001.

XII. Accreditation of NGOs

NGOs which have Consultative Status with ECOSOC may participate in the World Conference and its preparatory processes.

Representatives of Indigenous Peoples or Indigenous Peoples Organizations which have been accredited under Resolution 1995/32 to participate in the Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights on the draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, may participate in the World Conference and its preparatory processes.

NGOs which have been accredited to any of the Regional Meetings for the World Conference (i.e., Strasbourg, Dakar, Santiago, Teheran) will be considered accredited to the World Conference and its preparatory processes.

NGOs which do not have Consultative Status can be accredited to the World Conference under Resolution 1996/31, and Decision PC 1/5 of the First Session of the PrepCom as follows:

(a) An NGO applies to the Conference Secretariat with required documentation (see information note for NGOs not having Consultative Status, on the website of the OHCHR and/or questionnaire on the web).

(b) This documentation is reviewed by the Secretariat to ensure that it is complete and that the NGO meets the criteria for accreditation.

(c) When 10 applications have been received, the Secretariat sends a note verbale to all governments with a list of the NGOs applying and its recommendation. Governments have 14 days to raise any concerns they have.

(d) Where no concerns have been raised, the Secretariat will forward the name of the applying NGOs to the Bureau of the PrepCom for accreditation.

(e) If concerns are raised about an NGO, the Secretariat will inform the NGO about the government's comments and give the NGO the opportunity to reply. It will then forward the government's concerns, the NGOs comments and its own recommendation to the Bureau for action. The Bureau, in consultation with the regions, will decide whether or not to accredit the NGO.

(f) If the Bureau decides not to accredit, the matter will go to the Second Session of the PrepCom (in May 2000) for final decision.

As a general rule, to participate in the Regional preparatory meetings, NGOs must either be accredited to the World Conference, have Consultative Status with ECOSOC, or be an indigenous organization accredited under Resolution 1995/32. However, the different regional groups have established their own criteria for accrediting NGOs to their Regional meeting.

Thus, the Council of Europe has its own criteria (set out on the website of the European Commission <> ) for
accrediting NGOs to the Strasbourg regional meeting.

The African Group has agreed to consider any NGO which has Observer Status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights as accredited to the Dakar regional meeting.

The Group of Latin American and Caribbean states will similarly be accrediting NGOs.

Once an NGO has been accredited to participate in a Regional Preparatory Meeting, it is automatically accredited to participate in the World Conference itself and any other preparatory meeting.

Since accreditation is a complicated/lengthy process please apply for accreditation as early as possible. A minimum of a 6 weeks is generally required by the Secretariat to process an application. You should send your applications to: Ms. Sandra Aragon, OHCHR, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. Tel. (41-22) 917-9129. Fax. (41-22) 917-9050. Email: [email protected]

XIII. Funding NGO Participation in the World Conference Process

The Office of the High Commissioner has secured funding to subsidize the participation of NGOs in the Regional Preparatory meetings for Africa, Asia and the Americas (see VIII above) and in four NGO networking meetings (see XI above). The OHCHR also hopes to raise funds to assist NGOs in getting to the NGO Forum in South Africa and to the World Conference. This is unprecedented in the history of the UN's World Conferences, as NGOs have always had to raise their own funds for this purpose.

To ensure that these funds support a broad range of NGO input into the World Conference and its preparatory processes, and are distributed in a transparent and fair manner, the following procedure has been established.

While for each meeting, one NGO has been asked to take charge of the logistical arrangements, for each region in which meetings are being organized (Africa, Asia, Americas, Eastern and Central Europe) a steering committee of approximately 8-10 organizations has been established, with representation from geographic sub-regions and relevant social sectors (e.g., minorities, indigenous, women, youth). These regional steering committees are currently in the process of establishing criteria for selecting the NGOs to be subsidized in their region. As soon as these criteria are determined in the regions, they will be posted on the web and disseminated by this ListServe, together with the names
of the organizations which comprise the steering committees.

NGOs wishing to be subsidized to attend a regional or networking meeting should fill out the application form below and send it to the relevant coordinating organization as noted in VIII and XI above.

The criteria for selecting NGOs to subsidize to attend the NGO Forum and World Conference will be established at a later date by SANGOCO (the NGO coordinating the NGO Forum) together with an international steering committee whose composition and rules of procedure still need to be determined.

Questionnaire for NGOs which wish to request financial assistance to attend a regional or networking meeting (Draft 27 September 2000)

If you are applying for funding to attend more than one meeting, fill out a separate application for each meeting.

(This questionnaire may be amended. If so, a new version will be sent out on the ListServe.)

Provide the Following Information
A. Please indicate for which meeting you are seeking funding:
Regional Meeting Africa (Dakar, Senegal)
Regional Meeting Americas (Santiago, Chile)
Regional Meeting Asia (Teheran, Iran)
Networking Meeting Africa (Botswana)
Networking Meeting Americas (Quito, Ecuador)
Networking Meeting Asia (Amman, Jordan)
Networking Meeting Eastern and Central Europe (Warsaw, Poland)
B. Basic Information about your organization
1. Name of Organization:
2. Full Address of the Organization:
3. Telephone Number (include country and city code):
4. Fax Number (include country and city code):
5. E-mail address:
6. Chief Executive Officer of the Organization:
7. Name of Person Making this Application (name and
8. Year your organization was established.
9. Does your organization have:
- consultative status with ECOSOC?
- status under ECOSOC Resolution 1995/32 as an indigenous
peoples' organization?
- observer status with the African Commission on Human and
Peoples' Rights?
- consultative status with the Council of Europe?
Or, has your organization been accredited to the World
10. What is the preferred working language of your organization?
English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian or Chinese?
Information Specific to the World Conference Process
11. If your organization represents a particular sector or
community (e.g.  an indigenous group, a minority, women,
refugees, migrants, etc.) please indicate the nature of your
12. Does your organization belong to any networks and, if so,
which ones?
13. In two to three paragraphs (no more than half a page), please
describe your organization's main areas of activity with respect
to combatting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance, and what role (if any) it has so far played
in the World Conference process.
14. Please indicate in which countries or regions your
organization works.
15. Please describe (in one or two paragraphs, no more than half
a page) what type of contribution your organization will make to
the meeting you are asking to attend and to the World Conference
16. Does your organization intend to go to the World Conference
in South Africa? What efforts have you made (or do you plan to
make) to raise funds for this purpose?
17. Does your organization intend to go to the NGO Forum in South
Africa? What efforts have you made (or do you plan to make) to
raise funds for this purpose?
18. Any additional comments (no more than half a page).

XIV. How Individuals, Academics and Others Can Participate in the WCAR Process

There are a number of ways that individuals can participate in the preparatory process for the World Conference.

First, an individual can observe the proceedings of the second Preparatory Committee or the regional experts seminars simply by writing to us requesting permission to do so. For these meetings there is a public gallery where individuals can observe without accreditation. However, they cannot make written or oral statements.

For a deeper involvement in the World Conference process, there are other ways in which individuals can participate. First, they can work with, or become affiliated to, an NGO -- a non-governmental organization (this could be an educational centre or association, a community based organization, a human rights group, etc.). That NGO could apply to become accredited to the World Conference. If the NGO is successfully accredited, then its representatives can take part in any of the meetings leading up
to the World Conference, including the World Conference itself. In such a case, NGO representatives can present both written and oral statements to the Preparatory Committee and the World Conference, and participate fully in the proceedings.

Secondly, individuals can become active with a non-governmental organisation which has consultative status with ECOSOC, and which is thereby fully accredited to the World Conference, and participate in the conference proceeding as a representative of that NGO.

Third, there are some governments which permit individuals (often academics) to join the government delegation to world conferences. You would have to talk to your government were you interested in this route.

Fourth, there will be an NGO Forum in South Africa parallel to the World Conference. While there will be a registration process for the NGO Forum, it will not require the same formal accreditation that is needed for the World Conference process. There will be many activities offering opportunities for individuals to give papers, lead discussions, hold workshops, etc.

Finally, there are many activities that can be done at the national and regional level, including organizing satellite meetings, that can have an impact on the World Conference, including the Declaration and Plan of Action which will emerge, which do not require any formal accreditation to the World Conference process.

XV. Youth Participation

There is likely to be a youth component to the NGO Forum and World Conference. However, at this point, there are no definite plans in place. We will keep you posted as developments unfold.

This material is being reposted for wider distribution by the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC). APIC provides accessible information and analysis in order to promote U.S. and international policies toward Africa that advance economic, political and social justice and the full spectrum of human rights.

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