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Note: This document is from the archive of the Africa Policy E-Journal, published
by the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC) from 1995 to 2001 and by Africa Action
from 2001 to 2003. APIC was merged into Africa Action in 2001. Please note that many outdated links in this archived
document may not work.
Africa: Initial Survey Results/Reminder
Any links to other sites in this file from 1996 are not clickable,
given the difficulty in maintaining up-to-date links in old files.
However, we hope they may still provide leads for your research.
Africa: Initial Survey Results/Reminder
Date Distributed (ymd): 960712
Thanks to all of you who have returned the Africa Policy
Electronic Distribution List survey sent out on June 30.
Through July 10, 1996, 314 responses had been received. 223
responses were from individuals saying they received the
postings directly, equivalent to 19% of the addresses on the
list at the time the survey was distributed. Posters will be
mailed to the first group of respondents early next week.
Tabulated below for your information are initial results.
There were also many encouraging comments and constructive
suggestions for improvement. We will be compiling final
results and analyzing the suggestions at the end of this
If you have not yet returned your survey, and wish to do so,
please send it to us as soon as possible. Remember, all those
who complete surveys can receive a free, attractive 11" by 17"
poster with a map and charts of "Africa's Regions."
If you have misplaced your survey form, or did not receive one
when it was first sent out, you may receive a new one by
sending a blank e-mail message to [email protected]. In
the subject field write "send new survey." You should receive
a new survey form within one or two days.
Note: The following tables are best read in a non-proportional
font such as Courier.
Background of Respondents
1. Country of Residence
USA 217 69
Canada 20 6
South Africa 18 6
UK 15 5
Netherlands 7 2
Belgium 5 2
Australia 5 2
Switzerland 3 1
Scotland 3 1
Japan 3 1
Germany 3 1
Sweden 2 1
Denmark 2 1
Zimbabwe 1 0
Zambia 1 0
Swaziland 1 0
Portugal 1 0
New Zealand 1 0
Namibia 1 0
Lithuania 1 0
Ireland 1 0
Ghana 1 0
Brasil 1 0
Total answers: 313
2. Age
20 to 35 122 40
36 to 50 124 41
Over 50 60 20
Total answers: 306
3. Sex
F 102 33
M 203 67
Total answers: 305
4. Education
Advanced 231 75
College 69 22
Other 1 0
Secondary 6 2
Total answers: 307
5. Primary Institutional Affiliation
Commercial 14 5
Educational 141 46
Governmental 25 8
Media 18 6
Non-government 58 19
Other 20 7
Religious 28 9
Total answers: 304
6. 62 Born in Africa (20 Percent)
7. 148 Worked in African country (47 Percent)
8. 130 Visited an African country (41 Percent)
9. 239 Born, worked in, or visited Africa (76 Percent)
10. 31 African Diaspora (10 Percent)
11. 38 Business Interests (12 Percent)
12. 185 Academic Interests (59 Percent)
13. 135 Other Professional Interests (43 Percent)
14. 210 Activist Concerns (67 Percent)
Usage Patterns and Opinions of Respondents
1. How long have you been receiving documents?
<2mo 35 11
2mo-1yr 155 51
>1yr 115 38
Total answers: 305
2. How do you receive documents?
bulletin 3 1
direct e-mail 223 73
indirect e-mail 73 24
other 5 2
web 1 0
Total answers: 305
3. Web Access
264 Have access to a web browser (84 Percent)
4. Reading Pattern (Average out of ten documents)
Number discarded: 1.5
Number skimmed: 4.4
Number read carefully: 3.8
Number archived: 4.0
Number redistributed: 1.9
Number of people receiving a document: 6.1
Total number of additional recipients per document: 2.3
Number used for education: 1.0
5. Frequency
Not frequent enough 30 10
About right 260 86
Too frequent 11 4
Total answers: 301
6. Length
Not long enough 11 4
About right 235 78
Too long 54 18
Total answers: 300
7. Quality
Poor 4 1
Average 18 6
Good 136 45
Very good 147 48
Total answers: 305
Average quality (on scale of 1 to 5): 4.4
8. Contact Policy-Makers concerning Action Alerts
Never 107 36
Almost never 85 28
Sometimes 89 30
Often 18 6
Always 1 0
Total answers: 300
9. Pass on Action Alerts to Others
Never 89 29
Almost never 59 19
Sometimes 102 34
Often 40 13
Always 14 5
Total answers: 304
This material is produced and distributed by the
Africa Policy Information Center (APIC), the educational
affiliate of the Washington Office on Africa. APIC's primary
objective is to widen the policy debate in the United States
around African issues and the U.S. role in Africa, by
concentrating on providing accessible policy-relevant
information and analysis usable by a wide range of groups and