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Note: This document is from the archive of the Africa Policy E-Journal, published
by the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC) from 1995 to 2001 and by Africa Action
from 2001 to 2003. APIC was merged into Africa Action in 2001. Please note that many outdated links in this archived
document may not work.
Africa: APIC Web Bookshop
Africa: APIC Web Bookshop
Date distributed (ymd): 980308
APIC Document
APIC's Africa Web Bookshop
We are pleased to announce the debut on the Africa Policy Web Site of
APIC's Africa Web Bookshop. (Yes, you can really buy books there, even
if it is in cyberspace!).
On the site at
you will find listings and recommendations for books we think you might
be interested in. Some of them you can purchase at Amazon, the on-line
bookstore, with a direct link from our site. Others you can order directly
from the publishers (we will give you the necessary contact information)
or through a book dealer such as the Africa Book Centre in London.
This bookshop is doubly virtual -- we are on-line plus you don't actually
get most of these books from APIC. We don't have the staff, the storage
space or the capital to invest in inventory to maintain a non-virtual bookshop.
So, except for APIC's own publications, you don't send the order to us.
Order from Amazon, from the Africa Book Centre, or from the publisher.
What is in it for us? We are glad to let you know about books that may
help build a more informed constituency for Africa. And, for books that
Amazon has in stock, we get a referral fee. We don't expect to make a lot
of money, but we hope that it can provide some additional support for our
educational work.
What is in it for you? Book references carefully selected for their
relevance to Africa policy issues, convenience in ordering books unlikely
to be available in your local bookshop, and a way to express your support
and appreciation for APIC services.
Do come take a look. Our virtual bookshop is just beginning. We are
in an experimental stage. How rapidly we expand from this small start will
depend on your response (as measured by visits and referral fees from Amazon)
and on how much staff time we find is needed to maintain and expand the
shop. We hope you find it useful. Browse around and come back later.
P.S. We have not yet made a final decision on the name of the bookshop
-- let us know if you have a suggestion.
for Readers at U.S. Educational Institutions
(this note is going only to .edu e-mail addresses)
Among the options we are considering for the Africa Web Bookshop is
to place lists of assigned books for African Studies courses so that students
will have the option of ordering through our site rather than through their
campus bookshop (and our web site visitors would have the advantage of
knowing your book suggestions). We need information from you to evaluate
whether this is a practical project.
So if you assign books to be purchased for African Studies courses,
we would very much appreciate your answers to the following questions (cut
and paste into an e-mail message to [email protected]). If you do
not assign books for courses, we would appreciate your passing this note
to teachers at your institution who do.
1. Your name
[ ]
2. Your institution
[ ]
3. Your e-mail address
[ ]
4. Would you consider giving your students the option of ordering
Africa course books that are in stock at through the Africa
Web Bookshop?
Yes [ ] No [ ]
5. On average, approximately how many Africa course books do you assign
per year?
[ ]
6. Please specify the months in which the semesters or quarters in
which you teach Africa courses begin.
[ ]
7. How many weeks in advance would you be able to submit booklists
for us to be posted on the site?
[ ]
The first special feature on the bookshop
site is the suggestions you sent in for airplane reading for President
Clinton's trip to Africa. The site also has other key links for African
books and publishing. To suggest a book for President Clinton's trip, please
use the form at the Africa Web Bookshop.
To suggest additional links, write to [email protected].
This material is produced and distributed by the Africa Policy Information
Center (APIC), the educational affiliate of the Washington Office on Africa.
APIC's primary objective is to widen the policy debate in the United States
around African issues and the U.S. role in Africa, by providing accessible
policy-relevant information and analysis usable by a wide range of groups