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Note: This document is from the archive of the Africa Policy E-Journal, published by the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC) from 1995 to 2001 and by Africa Action from 2001 to 2003. APIC was merged into Africa Action in 2001. Please note that many outdated links in this archived document may not work.

Southern Africa: Europe/SA Cooperation

Southern Africa: Europe/SA Cooperation
Date distributed (ymd): 981013
Document reposted by APIC

+++++++++++++++++++++Document Profile+++++++++++++++++++++

Region: Southern Africa
Issue Areas: +political/rights+ +economy/development+ +security/peace+
Summary Contents:
This posting contains excerpts from the advance conference program of the Vienna Conference on European - Southern African cooperation in a globalising world, touching on a range of issues in future European/African relations. The full program can be found at (no longer available 12/99) ; for inquiries about future availability of more information from the conference, please contact the sources cited in the posting. The previous posting contains a statement by the European NGO coalition Eurostep on the new Lome negotiations.

+++++++++++++++++end profile++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

European - Southern African cooperation in a globalising world

The Vienna Conference
hosted by the Austrian Parliament
in cooperation with the European Network for Information and Action on Southern Africa (ENIASA)

October 12-14, 1998

For additional information, please contact:

Southern African Documentation and Co-operation Centre (SADOCC)*
A-1061 Wien, Postfach 146
tel./fax +431/505 44 84
e-mail: [email protected]

Vienna Institute for Development and Cooperation (VIDC)
A-1030 Vienna, Weyrgasse 5
tel. +431 7133594; fax: +431 7133594-73
e-mail: [email protected]



Leading up to the Third European Union / Southern African Development Community Ministerial Conference in November, this conference will provide a platform for parliamentarians as well as NGO representatives both from Southern Africa and from the European Union to discuss relations between these two regions in context of a changing global political and economic environment.

Issues arising from the forthcoming new WTO round, debt management initiatives, structural adjustment programmes as implemented by the international financial institutions and current talks on a Multilateral Agreement on Investment/MAI will be among topics addressed. In addition, the conference will look into current trade negotiations between the EU and South Africa, and into talks about a Post-Lome dispensation starting under the Austrian EU Presidency. Other topics on the agenda include security issues and the contribution of parliaments, social partners and NGOs towards the governmental political dialogue.

The Vienna Conference of parliamentarians and NGOs therefore aims at reviving the spirit of the largely defunct North/South dialogue and at broadening the EU/SADC political dialogue.

All the subjects covered by the conference are of crucial importance for the economic development of the SADC region, and indeed of Africa as a whole. But as there is also a crucial correlation between societal/individual well-being and democracy, the issues before the conference are also highly relevant for the advancement of human rights and social progress.

The conference will take place between October 12-14, 1998 in the House of Parliament in Vienna. The conference will be opened by the president of the Austrian parliament, Dr Heinz Fischer. As keynote speakers, Mrs Graca Machel and EU Commissioner Prof. Joao de Deus Pinheiro have been invited.

Southern African participants who have already confirmed their attendance include high-level representatives of national parliaments in Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Participation from the NGO sector includes prominent representatives of trade unions, universities and economic research institutions as well as of developmental organisations from Angola, Moçambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

European participants will include high-level representatives of the European Commission, the national parliaments of EU member states, the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, as well as of international organisations. Also a wide range of European NGOs will be participating.

Opening addresses

Dr. Heinz Fischer, President, Austrian Parliament; Dr. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Austrian Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Univ. Prof. Paulette Pierson-Mathy, President, ENIASA

Keynote addresses

Southern African - European cooperation in a globalising World
Mrs Frene Ginwala, Speaker, Parliament of the Republic of South Africa [invited]

Democracy, human rights and social justice - the main goals for a renewed global cooperation
Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer, Chairman, Subcommittee on Development Issues, Austrian Parliament

Agora 1: Structural adjustment - means or obstacle to poverty eradication?

The eradication of poverty worldwide is among the goals agreed upon unanimously by the international community. However, experience gained in many countries shows that unemployment, social marginalisation and povertisation are on the increase. The exclusiveness of economic structural adjustment policies as recommended by international financial institutions and implemented by many governments is therefore increasingly questioned. This debate will be taken up by the first working group of the conference:

  • Have international financial institutions like the IMF or the World Bank changed their role in and behaviour towards countries in Southern Africa?
  • In order to eradicate poverty, are there national/regional (SADC) economic strategies alternative or supplementary to macro-economic stabilisation programmes?
  • How can Europe support its partners in Southern Africa to create within the international community a political and economic climate conducive to poverty eradication?

Panelists: Morgan Tsvangirai (Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, Harare); Leya Chatta Chipepa (Zambian Association for Research and Development, Lusaka); Kumi Naidoo (S.A. National NGO Coalition, Johannesburg); repr. World Bank (invited); EU MP

Agora 2: Social standards versus freedom of investment: A contribution to the social rights debate

The adoption of a binding Code of Conduct for transnational investors is one of the longstanding demands made by the trade union movement in Southern Africa, but also in Europe. In a period of globalisation however, priority is often given to the liberalisation of trade and investment regimes whereas social, workers' or environmental rights are denounced as hampering economic progress. But ongoing negotiations about a Multilateral Agreement on Investments could also lead to the weakening of bargaining positions of national governments as well as entrepreneurs and employees vis-a-vis transnational companies. This workshop will therefore discuss the pro's and con's of

  • a Code of Conduct for transnational companies investing in Southern Africa
  • the establishment of Export Processing Zones as a viable long-term economic strategy
  • the inclusion of social clauses in trade agreements
  • multilateral negotiations on WTO or OECD level concerning trade and investment

Panelists: C.R. Haikali (National Union of Namibian Workers); Congress of S.A. Trade Unions - invited; Mr Masuku (Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce); Jose Luis Cabaço (Maputo); John Evans (TUAC, Paris); SA-Initiative der dt. Wirtschaft - invited

Agora 3: EU/Southern African economic relations - a model?

In September 1994, the Declaration adopted by the first EU/Southern Africa Ministerial Conference in Berlin raised high hopes for the development of mutually beneficial relations between the two regions. In the meantime, however, a good deal of these expectations has been frustrated by economic realities. This Agora will investigate whether and if so to what extent trade relations between the European Union and Southern Africa contribute towards economic development and social progress. Moreover, are current EU trade policies with Southern Africa an appropriate model for EU relations with other regions in Africa, Asia and Latin America? Is there cohesion with the stated goal of EU development cooperation towards fostering sustainable development, democracy and human rights? In particular, presentations will refer to

  • effects caused by the Free Trade Agreement between South Africa and the EU
  • progress and obstacles regarding economic integration in the SADC region
  • perspectives for negotiations on a new Lome-Dispensation between EU and ACP countries

Chair: Maj Britt Theorin MEP (Sweden) - invited Panelists: Dot Keet (University of the Western Cape, Cape Town); Manfred Rukoro (Namibia National Farmers Union); Ben Turok MP (Institute for African Alternatives, Johannesburg); Rob Rozenburg (EU Comission, Brussels)

Plenary Session 2: Political dialogue and the role of parliamentarians and the civil society

On the first day of the conference, important topics like social impacts of structural adjustment policies, relations between social/environmental standards and investors' strategies as well as current trade policy issues have been assessed. Based on the rapporteurs introductions, the main conclusions and demands of the agoras will now be addressed by the plenary:

  • What are the possibilities and limitations of parliamentarian, social partner and NGO activities in dealing with the effects of globalisation?
  • Do interests of governments and civil society necessarily correspond or contradict each other?
  • What should be the role of the Political Dialogue between SADC and EU governments, and on which matters should it concentrate? In which areas can/should a dialogue between parliamentarians, social partners and NGOs on the one hand and governments on the other be strengthened? Are there any practical proposals for fostering/conducting this dialogue?

Presentation of Agora Reports

Panel statements, followed by general debate

Chair: Mose T. Tjitendero MP (Namibia, SADC Parliamentary Forum) Panelists: Per Gransted, AWEPA (Stockholm); Jeanette Minnie (MISA, Windhoek); Mohao Pheko (Women's National Coalition of S.A., Johannesburg); Ibbo Mandaza (SAPES Trust, Harare); Lucchiano Vecchi (Rome), MEP

Agora 4: Debt issues in Southern Africa: Lack of legitimacy and economic dependence?

Recent initiatives have tried to ease the foreign debt burden accumulated by some of the SADC countries. The European "Jubilee 2000" campaign calls for further and more radical measures. But presently, many issues are still unresolved: In South Africa, the democratically elected government is faced with repayment contracts entered into by the former Apartheid regime. At that time, destabilisation strategies against neighbouring countries in Southern Africa were responsible for the accumulation of debt; it is here that the international legal debate on legitimacy becomes relevant. In addition, a great portion of the region's debt is due to continuing economic dependence to high interest rates. This workshop will therefore:

  • identify the reasons for the continuing financial dependence both of South Africa and of most other SADC countries
  • discuss options for national economic policies to deal with debt issues
  • propose strategies to be adopted by the European Union with regard to foreign debt obligations of the SADC countries

Panelists: Opa Kapijimpanga (Afrodad, Harare); Dr Molefe Tsele (ESSET, Johannesburg); Joe Hanlon (Maputo/London); IMF representative

Agora 5: Addressing the roots of conflicts and instability

The break-through of a non-racial and democratic political dispensation in South Africa has also put an end to regional destabilisation in Southern Africa. Chances to maintain peace in an important sub-region on the African continent are quite high. On the other hand, violent conflicts at local levels still exist. There is little tradition of seeking non-violent solutions for diverging interests, and deteriorating social and environmental standards are likely to bring about - at different levels of the societies - new potentials for armed confrontation. This workshop will therefore address questions such as

  • what is the situation regarding regional disarmament (with particular reference to landmines and small firearms)?
  • what are the root causes of violence in Southern Africa, and how can they be addressed?
  • how can political actors in the SADC region and their European partners contribute best towards the establishment of conditions of long-lasting peace and stability in the region?

Panelists: Liz Clegg (Saferworld, London); John Stewart (Harare); Sergio Viera MP (Maputo); Colette Braeckman (Le Soir, Brussels) - invited; Aldo Ajello - invited

Plenary Session 3: European Union - Southern Africa: Towards renewed cooperation?

The conference has extensively dealt with some of the key economic and political challenges brought about by the globalisation process and affecting European/Southern African cooperation. Based upon this analysis, parliamentarians and NGOs have discussed their own role as well as the role of their governments in addressing these issues. What are their expectations for the SADC/EU partnership in the future? Particular reference will be made to what parliamentarians and NGOs expect from the forthcoming third Ministerial Conference with regard to

  • the effects of current EU negotiations on trade and development cooperation on Southern Africa and its regional integration
  • possible joint EU/SADC initiatives vis-a-vis multilateral institutions and agencies (e.g. concerning debt issues)
  • the further participation of parliaments and non-governmental organisations at the EU/SADC Political Dialogue
  • the opening of venues for mutual cooperation in the interest of the advancement of democracy and human rights in Southern Africa

Presentation of Agora Reports

Keynote address

The relations of the European Union with the Southern African Development Community - Prospects for the Future

Joao de Deus Pinheiro, Member of the European Commission - invited

Panel statements, followed by contributions from the floor

Panelists: Rob Davies (MP, Cape Town); Simba Makoni (former SADC Secretary General, Harare); Michel Rocard MEP

Conclusions of the Chair (to be submitted to the Ministerial Conference)

presented by Alfred Gusenbauer (Austrian Parliament) and Paulette Pierson-Mathy (ENIASA)

The following organisations support the conference:

AAB Suedliches Afrika - Austausch-Aufbau-Bildung* (Bern), Action for Southern Africa - ACTSA* (London), Afrika Sued Aktions-Buendnis - AAB* (Bonn), Afrikagrupperna* (Stockholm), Associazione per un Sudafrica Democratico* (Roma), Austria Zimbabwe Friendship Association - AZFA (Linz), Austrian Journal of Development Studies - JEP (Wien), Avances Datos Africa Sur - ADAS* (Madrid), Comite Afrique Australe - CAA* (Brussels), Cooperacion con el Africa Austral - CAA* (Madrid), Erlajahr 2000 Oesterreich - Initiative 96 Entschuldung (Wien), EU platform of Austrian non-governmental development organisations (Wien), European Parliamentarians for Africa - AWEPA (Amsterdam), Fellesradet for Afrika* (Oslo), Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity* (Athens), Institute for Environment, Peace and Development - IEPD (Wien), Institute for Security Studies - ISS (Johannesburg), Irleand South Africa Association* (Dublin), Koordination Suedliches Afrika - KOSA* (Bonn), Movimento Portuguese para Cooperacao e Solidaridade con Africa - MPCA* (Lisboa), Nederlands Instituut voor Zuidelijk Afrika - NiZA* (Amsterdam), Network Southern Africa (Stockholm), OED - Austrian Service for Development Cooperation (Wien), OEKO-Invest Verlagsgesmbh. (Wien), Rencontre Nationale Avec Le Peuple d'Afrique du Sud* (Arcueil), Senatsinstitut fuer internationale Entwicklung/Universitat Wien (Wien), Solidaritatskomitee Mosambik (Wien), SydAfrika Kontakt* (Kobenhavn).

* ENIASA member or observer organisations

This material is being reposted for wider distribution by the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC). APIC's primary objective is to widen the policy debate in the United States around African issues and the U.S. role in Africa, by concentrating on providing accessible policy-relevant information and analysis usable by a wide range of groups and individuals.

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