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East Africa: Ethiopia/Eritrea
East Africa: Ethiopia/Eritrea
Date distributed: 990201
Document reposted by APIC
+++++++++++++++++++++Document Profile+++++++++++++++++++++
Region: East Africa
Issue Areas: +security/peace+
Summary Contents:
This posting contains several recent documents concerning the
border conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea: a statement from
Amnesty International on expulsion of Eritreans from Ethiopia;
the Security Council resolution calling on Eritrea to accept
the OAU framework agreement on the conflict; and recent
statements from Ethiopian and Eritrean representatives. For
additional news see the Africa News web site
+++++++++++++++++end profile++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Amnesty International - International Secretariat
1 Easton Street, London WC1X 8DJ, UK
E-mail: [email protected]
Press Release
29 January 1999
AI Index: AFR 25/02/99
Ethiopia/Eritrea: Amnesty International witnesses cruelty of
mass deportations
"I was picked up at night, thrown into prison, not allowed
time to pack. I asked what my crime was. 'You're an Eritrean,'
they said."
Amnesty International representatives returning from
investigations in Ethiopia and Eritrea warned today that
forced mass deportation now threatens everyone of Eritrean
origin in Ethiopia, causing untold suffering to thousands of
families every week.
Last week in Eritrea, Amnesty International's representatives
witnessed the arrival of some 1,280 women, men and children of
Eritrean origin who had been rounded up and deported by the
Ethiopian authorities. Most of those Amnesty International
spoke to either had Ethiopian passports, or had been born or
spent their entire working lives there, and considered
themselves Ethiopians.
Ethiopia's policy of deporting people of Eritrean origin after
war between the two countries broke out in May 1998 has now
developed into a systematic, country-wide operation to arrest
and deport anyone of full or part Eritrean descent. Fifty-two
thousand Eritreans have been arbitrarily deported from
Ethiopia over the last seven months, 6,300 so far in January
"Women, some of them pregnant, children, the elderly -- even
hospital patients -- are now being arrested and detained in
the middle of the night," Amnesty International's
representatives said.
"People of all ages, from babies to pensioners, are imprisoned
in harsh conditions for several days before being forced to
board buses under armed guard with only one piece of luggage
each -- if that -- and being dumped at the border. They arrive
hungry and exhausted, and often ill, after the three-day
Families have been split up, the male head usually deported
first, and his wife, parents and children weeks or months
later. The many Ethiopians married to Eritreans are forbidden
to leave and forced to watch helplessly while their spouse and
children are deported.
Deportees have had to abandon their homes, possessions,
businesses and other property with no guarantee of ever
recovering them. Individuals who have protested have been
threatened or beaten. The deportees were arbitrarily stripped
of their Ethiopian citizenship without any warning, legal
process or right of appeal.
Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has said that the
deportees posed a threat to national security and that they
had forfeited their Ethiopian citizenship by voting in
Eritrea's independence referendum in 1993.
Amnesty International representatives visited Ethiopia in
October 1998 and Eritrea in January 1999 to examine
allegations from both sides of human rights abuses arising
from the May 1998 conflict. They met government officials and
interviewed returnees from both countries.
At least 22,000 Ethiopians have returned to Ethiopia from
Eritrea since May, most after losing their jobs and being
rendered destitute as a result of the hostilities, and some in
fear of reprisals. No evidence was found to support Ethiopia's
allegations that 40,000 of its citizens have been seriously
ill-treated and forcibly deported from Eritrea since May 1998.
Enquiries were also made into the Eritrean bombing of a school
in Mekelle, northern Ethiopia, in June 1998. The Eritrean
government admitted the resulting deaths of 48 civilians,
including women and children, were a "mistake," but has
established no independent investigation into the bombings. An
Ethiopian plane bombed and killed one person at the airport in
Asmara, the Eritrean capital, the same day.
Amnesty International is reiterating its appeal to the
Ethiopian government to put an immediate stop to the
deportations and ill-treatment of deportees, and arbitrary
detentions of thousands of other Eritreans, including 38
students in Blattein military camp. They contravene Ethiopia's
laws and Constitution, as well as the international human
rights treaties Ethiopia has ratified.
In the event of further fighting, the human rights
organization urges both sides to respect the Geneva
Conventions, which Eritrea should immediately ratify. They
should also ensure that civilians do not become targets or
victims of the fighting, and that no Eritreans in Ethiopia, or
Ethiopians in Eritrea, should suffer reprisal because of their
national origin.
"The international community -- particularly government
representatives stationed in Ethiopia -- must break their
silence and make a joint stand against the deportations and
other human rights violations," Amnesty International said.
The deportations of Eritreans from Ethiopia began on 12 June,
one month after war broke out in May 1998 between the former
close allies who fought together as guerrilla movements to
overthrow the Dergue government in Ethiopia in 1991, when
Eritrea became a separate independent state. What began as a
border conflict led to some ground fighting, then air attacks
by both sides, and occasional artillery firing along the
Mediation by the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the
United Nations, the United States and other governments is
continuing to avert a near-imminent all-out war which would be
devastating for both sides. Each side has re-armed and has
mobilized massive forces along the border, and the fighting
has already displaced up to a quarter-million people.
Ethiopia is state party to International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, the African Charter on Human and People's
Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the
Geneva conventions.
For further information, contact Amnesty International, 1
Easton Street, London WC1X 8DJ, +44-71-413-5500,
+44-71-956-1157. Email: [email protected]. Web: You may repost this message onto
other sources provided the main text is not altered in any way
and both the header crediting Amnesty International and this
footer remain intact.
United Nations
29 January 1999
Press Release SC/6636
Resolution 1226 (1999) Adopted Unanimously
Expressing grave concern about the risk of armed conflict
between Ethiopia and Eritrea over their border dispute, the
Security Council this afternoon strongly urged Eritrea to
accept an Organization of African Unity (OAU) Framework
Agreement for its settlement.
Unanimously adopting resolution 1226 (1999), the Council
expressed its strong support for the OAU's mediation efforts
and for the Framework Agreement, affirming that the Agreement,
already accepted by Ethiopia, provided the best hope for peace
between the parties. The Council stressed that it was of
primary importance that the Agreement be accepted and fully
implemented without delay.
The Council strongly urged Ethiopia and Eritrea to maintain
their commitment to a peaceful resolution of the border
dispute, and, in the strongest terms, called upon them to
exercise maximum restraint and to refrain from taking any
military action.
They were also urged to work for a reduction in tensions by
adopting policies leading to the restoration of confidence
between their Governments and peoples, including urgent
measures to improve the humanitarian situation and respect for
human rights.
The Council welcomed the Secretary-General's continued
engagement in support of the OAU peace process and endorsed
his decision to send his Special Envoy for Africa, Mohamed
Sahnoun, to the region in support of the OAU efforts.
The meeting, which began at 1:20 p.m., was adjourned at 1:25
The full text of resolution 1226 (1999) is as follows:
"The Security Council,
"Reaffirming its resolution 1177 (1998) of 26 June 1998,
"Expressing grave concern over the risk of armed conflict
between Ethiopia and Eritrea and the escalating arms build-up
along the common border between the two countries,
"Noting that armed conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea would
have a devastating effect on the peoples of the two countries
and the region as a whole,
"Recognizing that the rehabilitation and reconstruction
efforts of both the Ethiopian and Eritrean Governments during
the last eight years have given hope to the rest of the
continent, all of which would be put at risk by armed
"Commending the efforts of concerned countries and regional
bodies aimed at facilitating a peaceful solution to the border
dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea,
"1. Expresses its strong support for the mediation efforts of
the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and for the Framework
Agreement as approved by the Central Organ Summit of the OAU
Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution
on 17 December 1998 (S/1998/1223, annex), and affirms that the
OAU Framework Agreement provides the best hope for peace
between the two parties;
"2. Endorses the decision by the Secretary-General to send his
Special Envoy for Africa to the region in support of OAU
"3. Stresses that it is of primary importance that the OAU
Framework Agreement be accepted, and calls for cooperation
with the OAU and full implementation of the Framework
Agreement without delay;
"4. Welcomes the acceptance by Ethiopia of the OAU Framework
"5. Welcomes Eritrea's engagement with the new OAU process,
notes the fact that the OAU has responded to Eritrea's request
for clarifications of the Framework Agreement and, in this
regard, strongly urges Eritrea to accept the Framework
Agreement as the basis for a peaceful resolution of the border
dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea without delay;
"6. Calls on both parties to work for a reduction in tensions
by adopting policies leading to the restoration of confidence
between the Governments and peoples of Ethiopia and Eritrea,
including urgent measures to improve the humanitarian
situation and respect for human rights;
"7. Strongly urges Ethiopia and Eritrea to maintain their
commitment to a peaceful resolution of the border dispute and
calls upon them in the strongest terms to exercise maximum
restraint and to refrain from taking any military action;
"8. Welcomes the Secretary-General continued engagement in
support of the OAU peace process;"
"9. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter."
Embassy of Ethiopia
New Statements by UN, EU, Support OAU Resolution Efforts
January 25, 1999
Washington, DC - The following document was released by the
Embassy of Ethiopia:
In response to the ongoing crisis between Ethiopia and
Eritrea, the European Union, the United Nations Security
Council, and the governments of Italy, Netherlands, the United
Kingdom, the United States have issued new statements over the
past few days in support of the OAU Peace Proposal Framework
Agreement and in recognition of Ethiopia's acceptance of the
Framework Agreement.
The government of Ethiopia is encouraged by the support and
acknowledgement of the OAU proposals by these countries and
organizations, which is an important first step in
demonstrating the solidarity of the international community
against aggression and the continued occupation of Ethiopian
territory by Eritrean military forces. However, it is hoped
that concerted pressure will be brought to bear on Eritrea to
accept the OAU peace proposals and return to the status quo
ante so that peaceful negotiations may begin.
Over the past eight months, Eritrea has continued to reject
the OAU peace efforts and the resulting proposals for a
peaceful resolution. Recent attempts by the Eritrean
government to stall acceptance have only resulted in
prolonging the suffering of the more than 300,000 Ethiopian
civilians displaced by the conflict.
It is in the interests of these people, and in the interest of
peace in the region, that the Ethiopian government strongly
urges the international community to apply effective and
meaningful pressure on Eritrea to accept the OAU peace
Contact: Press Office; 202-234-2281; [email protected];
Embassy of Ethiopia, 2134 Kalorama Road, NW, Washington, DC
20008, 202/234-2281
Eritrean UN Mission Letter to the UN Security Council
On 29 January, 1999, the head of Eritrea's Mission to the
United Nations, H.E. Mr. Haile Menkerios, sent the following
letter to the President of the UN Security Council.
29 January 1999
H.E. Mr. Celso I. N. Amorim President of the Security Council
United Nations
My government wishes to state the following points in
reference to Resolution 1226 (1999) on agenda item "The
situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia" which was adopted by
the Security Council today, 29 January 1999:
- Eritrea recognizes the concern of the Security Council on
the border conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia.
- Eritrea earnestly hopes that the Security Council regards
the OAU Framework as a framework for a peaceful process.
- Eritrea is fully engaged in the peace process because it
understands and realizes full well that the framework is not
a "take it or leave it" offer.
- Eritrea has been expressing its reservations and protests
on the continued interference of the US Government in the
matter. We continue to follow with dismay the pressures that
the US is bringing to bear to curtail the peace process
- The Ethiopian government has not only declared war but
continues to operate through a policy of incessant threats of
launching the war and through diplomatic intimidation. That
the Ethiopian government is ready to unleash war (according to
its own pronouncements) is also a fact well-known to all and
which we are following with utmost patience. Eritrea further
knows that the Ethiopian government is engaged in a concerted
campaign to solicit international blessing for the war that it
intends to unleash.
- Eritrea does not believe in the logic of force. We do not
believe in the diplomacy of intimidation. Eritrea has been
calling incessantly for the cessation of hostilities so as to
pave the way for the path of peace. Eritrea renews this call
on this occasion. We reject categorically all pretexts that
lead to and justify war. Eritrea wishes to underline that its
legitimate right of self-defense remains unquestionable.
- Eritrea is dismayed by the silence, indeed utter
disregard, by the Council of the continuing horrendous crimes
of mass deportation, incarceration and expropriation of
Eritreans and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin (more than 52,000
to-date) by the Ethiopian government. Eritrea has strictly
upheld its pledge and duty to respect the rights of Ethiopians
in Eritrea. These facts have been widely corroborated by
independent witnesses latest of which is Amnesty International
which disclosed its findings just yesterday.
- Eritrea will remain engaged in the OAU and other peace
endeavours so long as these lead to peace.
I should be grateful if you would kindly circulate the test of
the present letter as a document of the Security Council.
Haile Menkerios
Permanent Representative
Eritrean Mission to the United Nations
Distributed by the Embassy of Eritrea, 1708 New Hampshire
Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009; Tel: 202-588-7587; E-mail:
[email protected].
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